Mergers / acquisitions / de–mergers
We have been providing consultancy and other services related to Mergers/Acquisitions/De-mergers. Anysuch mergers, acquisitions or de-mergers involves an extensive study as to the future viability of the parentorganization and its success depends on such decisions. Among the other services our services includesnegotiation process, due diligence and opening & maintaining escrow accounts till the change ofmanagement.
We advise, our clients all stages of the acquisition process including :
- Identification of the business to be acquired
- Strategic planning of acquisition
- Arranging finance for the acquisition, if required
Takeovers and mergers / de-mergers
For a bidding party, we cover the strategy, tactics and the formal approach on the client’s behalf. Wesource and arrange the funding (if required), and assist in reviewing the documentation. We act asthe financial advisor for the total transaction whether the client is the bidder or the target.
Due Diligence
We advise our Clients on the basis of report of due diligence undertaken by us. Due diligence apartfrom Financial also includes technical and legal due diligence.
Valuations constitute a significant part of any transaction process, be it in the nature of an acquisition,divestiture, joint venture, merger and de-merger or for filing tax returns. Our valuation practicedistinguishes itself by knowing the specific industry in which the client operates and, providingproactive commercial and market focused inputs to the assignment. Our Valuations service includes:
- Business valuation
- Brand, Distribution network, IPR & Other intangible assets valuation
- Fixed Assets valuation
- Financial model review
Our professional’s provides independent advice to directors, shareholders and management to:
- Determine the right price to pay or accept for a business.
- Determine the value of equity to be issued to new shareholders or partnersvaluate merger / swap ratios.
Corporate secretarial services
In a well-organised company or group of companies, the Secretary is a man with a professionalqualification (often a Chartered Accountant) who, in addition to his multifarious duties, is an important linkin the management chain. The continued growth of limited companies enables the professionalaccountants to offer secretarial services to small companies, many of which are being virtually run by afew individuals who are unable to afford a full-time Secretary. We have formed affiliations with corporatelaw specialists and senior advocates who have vast experience in handling all complex matters.
- Secretarial services
- Advising on Maintaining of secretarial statutory records
- E-filing of returns and forms
- Obtaining approvals required for various company law matters and public issue
- Representing our clients before various authorities and forums etc.
- Incorporation of companies including Section 25 companies
- Financial restructure and liquidation of limited companies,
- Registration work and the duties of a Receiver are also undertaken by us inaddition toother company work.
- Compliance Report
- Inspection Report
- Corporate Governance
Today, there is a growing dialogue among the different stakeholders about corporate governance andhow it should evolve to cope with the increasingly dynamic and global nature of our capital markets. Thisdialogue is taking place against a background of legislative and regulatory changes. Governance Risk &Compliance Practice (GRC) is dedicated to helping clients achieve integrity-driven performance. With theaid of Governance, Risk & Compliance Operating Model, it assists clients in creating a framework toeffectively manage key governance, risk and compliance activities. The GRC specialists have expertise inthe following areas: business culture and learning, performance and value management, technology; allof which come together to help clients envision, improve, operate and sustain a fundamental culture of business integrity.